Instead, because I love to share the blogs that I thoroughly enjoy, and this blog award gives me a chance to do just that, I'm very pleased that both Cara at Ooh... Books! and Tara at 25 Hour Books have passed the One Lovely Blog award on to me. Thank you both so much!
I am going to keep it to 10 Canadian blogs in the interests of some sort of patriotic solidarity. This is not because I don't love you international bloggers, but... to be honest, I have to find some way to keep the list manageable (since I seem to have to write something about everything - it's NaNoWriMo, it's getting into my blood and it's terribly hard on my desire to be concise), so today my method is patriotism. This isn't an exhaustive list of Canadian bloggers (as if), it's just the ones I visit regularly. I feel like I might be disclaiming too much here, I just get really anxious when I feel like I might have left someone out and I know I have.
Let's get alphabetical:
Bird Canada is not a book blog, but Pat writes eloquently with fascinating information on Canadian birds, and is also the author of a number of books on Canadian wildlife, including Canadian Feathers: A Loon-atics Guide to Anting, Mimicry and Dump-Nesting which I have yet to read, but fully intend to.
Bookishgal is @kashicat 's book-related blog, where she reviews but also comments on many things book-related. I also thoroughly enjoy Phyl's Confessions of a Cultural Idiot blog, where she talks about Canadian culture, some of it not so very far from me.
books i done read is @raychraych 's blog - and absolutely hilarious. Reliably great taste, disseminated in caterpillars.
edge of seventeen is a blog by Mandy. Mandy reads a *lot* and to my delight, edge of seventeen has taken off like a house on fire since her relatively recent entrance on the book blogging scene. She and I have a secret plan to use our combined bookseller and librarian powers to take over the world. Stay tuned.
Geranium Cat's Bookshelf, discovered through @CanadianAuthors tweets of reviews. I seem to pick up a lot of recommendations from this blog; in quietly Canadian style, Geranium Cat has slipped into my must-read category.
Nose in a Book - again, an @CanadianAuthors discovery. My ears (eyes?) tend to perk up when I notice that someone is reviewing a book I've loved, and Lahni reviewed both Airborn and Skybreaker by Kenneth Oppel and I had to check it out.
Once Upon a Bookshelf - Another tweeting blogger, this is @moonsoar 's blog. I really like Court's reviews and her musings on other bookish and bloggish (and not) things as well. Very happy to see a post by her in the reader.
The Indextrious Reader - @Melwyk also seems to enjoy my hockey-related tweets, which kind of blows my mind :P Not to mention she's an Ontarian librarian, an excellent sort of people. She keeps expanding my reading horizons, in very best librarian form.
The Written World is Kailana's blog, one of the very first blogs I started following. She's an active commenter, tweeter (@bookishnerd) and general cheerleader for the book bloggers of the world, plus very hard on my TBR list.
wiresandwires - I know I've mentioned @gmacqueen 's cultural review blog here before, but I have to do it again. He's Canadian, plus I've known him IRL since before either of us knew the word "cultural." Really eloquent and thoughtful posts about books, movies, and occasionally other stuff.
As always with this sort of thing, if I've listed you and you would like to proclaim yourself One Lovely Blog, please do! If you would rather not, that's okay too. I thank you all for being such awesome bloggers, keeping me in reading material both on my feed reader and on my TBR list.
Perhaps back to normal with reading material soon? I make no promises. The novelling is squeezing my word-related brain cells out my ears. Will try!
Thanks for including me in your list! I really would like to see a Canadian bloggers directory. There are quite a few times I've discovered that one of my fav. bloggers was Canadian - it's kind of exciting, isn't it?
Congratulations on the much-deserved award :D
Lahni - You're welcome! I really enjoy your blog. I agree, it is exciting. We Canadians are such smart cookies... ;)
Nymeth - Thank you!
Aw, Kiirstin!! ...thanks...aww...
Awww, thanks!! I'll have to check out some of the other ones you've listed. It's always fun to find new Canadian blogs!! :)
Mandy and Court - You're both welcome, and it's well-deserved :) Enjoy peeking at some of the other Canucks who read and blog...
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