I did something I rarely do these days, what with a TBR basket and pages and pages of TBR list: I picked something off the library shelves at random and brought it home. Although even that is not entirely random -- I had seen
Emily Carr by Lewis DeSoto (one of Penguin's Extrordinary Canadians biography series) a couple of times, and thought I might like to give it a shot. So far I'm learning a lot, but to be honest I like the snippets of Carr's writing far better than I like DeSoto's style. I think, though, part of this might be that I like autobiography better than biography. I'll discuss further in the review, I think.
Emily Carr by Lewis DeSoto, p109:
Although Emily came to be identified in popular imagination with Native peoples, Sophie was really her only true, personal contact with a Native person. After Emily left Vancouver and moved back to Victoria, the two women maintained a correspondence, augmented by Emily's visits to the mainland.
Teaser Tuesdays are hosted by
Should Be Reading. It works as follows:
- Grab your current read.
- Open to a random page.
- Share two teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
- Be careful not to include spoilers!
- Include the title and author.
Did Emily ever write her own book? Here's my Teaser
I love Emily Carr's own books. She is so wonderful; if you like autobiography you must read them - they are amazing explorations of an artistic life.
I have just picked up Jane Urquhart's Lucy Maud Montgomery in this same series.
Neat. I know next to nothing about Emily Carr. Those nw bios of Canadian historical people are pretty attractive, though. They make me want to read them all. The Mordecai Richler cover is perfect!
I'm not big on biographies or autobiographies but Emily sounds like an interesting creature
Here's my Teaser Tuesday
Book Bird Dog - Yes, a couple of them, and I've put them down on my TBR now: Klee Wyck, Hundreds and Thousands, and The Book of Small are the ones I'm aware of, but I suspect there's plenty more.
Melanie - I'm interested to read that one too! I love Jane Urquhart's writing. Please let me know what you think of it.
Mandy - I was in the same boat, but I've always thought I liked her. This series, I suspect, is something like the gateway drug for important Canadians -- there may not be a lot of substance to the biographies, but enought that they'll make you want more.
Snowbell - She definitely is that; eccentric is one word that keeps popping up.
Thank you for visiting everyone!
This sounds interesting, I'm going to have to go and check it out.
Sounds quite interesting, great tease. Mine is here: http://rundpinne.blogspot.com/2009/10/casting-off-teaser-tuesdays.html
Sounds like an interesting read :)
"gateway drug" = you're the best!!!!
Canadian history, eh? :) I really should learn more about Northwest history north of the border. Great teaser!
Interesting :) It's always fun to catch teases from non-fiction reads.
Here's my Teaser! ~ Wendi
Thank you for all your comments! I'll be checking out your teasers as well.
celi.a - She hung out a lot in San Fran, apparently, and had family there. So there's a southwest connection too. ;) (eh?)
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