
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Teaser Tuesday: One Corpse Too Many

I was kind of desperately hoping to be started this book by today. I will be starting it today, I'm just not quite there yet. I've been reading Second Sight by Amanda Quick, and while I thoroughly enjoyed the first half I found one of us -- the book or I -- lost momentum around the midway point. I suspect, actually, that I am now firmly ensconced in a reading slump, which means finding something I want to read and something that will engage me may be a challenge. It's been some time coming -- little hints of it here and there, a lack of enthusiasm for anything on the TBR pile, a lack of enthusiasm for anything I pick up randomly even if I was enthused about it before I signed it out of the library.

That's why I'm going with Ellis Peters, because I have had Brother Cadfael on the brain for weeks now, and I'm curious enough about him to figure I'll probably read this book relatively quickly. If not, I will end up trying some non-fiction. And if that doesn't work, I might go for something very short. The problem with picking things to read in this state of mind is that I don't want to pick anything I have been very excited about before the slump started, because I run the risk of being frustrated or irritated by it when normally I would love it.

This comes on the verge of NaNoWriMo, too, which may mean that my book/week count may be astonishingly low next month. Just warning.

From One Corpse Too Many by Ellis Peters, p48 ("he" is Brother Cadfael):

"Your lordship will have had orders about us," he said briskly. "We are here to take charge of the dead, and I require clean and adequate space where they may be decently laid until we take them away for burial."

Teaser Tuesdays are hosted by Should Be Reading. It works as follows:
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share two teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • Be careful not to include spoilers!
  • Include the title and author.


Jennifer said...

I am a huge Brother Cadfael fan. Great choice. Mine is here:

Beth F said...

I love Brother Cadfael!

gautami tripathy said...

Gonna check it out!

Teaser Tuesdays: 72 Virgins by Avi Perry

Kill Word Verification

Lisa said...

That's a new one for me - good teaser!

My teaser is here.

Anonymous said...

What an odd thing to find yourself saying, or being told...

Cecelia said...

Very, very interesting. I like it! Nice teaser.

You can check out mine here.

Unknown said...

Thank you everyone for stopping by! I am happy to report that so far Brother Cadfael and his great wisdom and kindness are cozying me through my slump mood quite adequately. The plot just managed to take a twist that has made everything far less predictable...

Ana S. said...

I'll be looking forward to your thoughts on Brother Cadfael!

Unknown said...

Nymeth - hopefully that will be coming sooner rather than later... I have been rather slow reading and reviewing lately, though!