
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Teaser Tuesday: The Singing

It's Tuesday. Happy Tuesday everyone! The sun seems to be shining, at least a little bit this morning. I have a head cold, and I wish I could lie in bed all day and read... but alas, work calls. I am hoping that it will be a quiet afternoon on the desk. This season it's becoming a little iffy as to how sick I should be before I stay home. I don't think I'm there yet.

Today's teaser comes from the last installment of Alison Croggon's Books of Pellinor, The Singing. I am very concerned that characters I really care about are going to end up dead or worse, but at the 10th page I'm already getting swept up in the story. So here we go.

From The Singing by Alison Croggon, p126:

"Hekibel said you'd say something like that," said Hem.

Saliman studied Hem, his lips twitching at the disappointment on the boy's face.

Teaser Tuesdays are hosted by Should Be Reading. It works as follows:
  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share two teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • Be careful not to include spoilers!
  • Include the title and author.


Andrea said...

Oh, I wonder why he is disappointed. Great teaser. Here's mine.

Cackleberry Homestead said...

Great teaser. I'll have to check out these books.

Calico Crazy said...

I like your teaser, and you seem involved with the characters which makes me want to read these books.
Mine is here.

Jennifer said...

Oh why is the boy disappointed? Mine is here:

Peaceful Reader said...

Sounds very intriguing! I like the
unique names. Mine is here:

gautami tripathy said...


Tuesdays: Teaser/Whereabouts

christine said...

Already swept away! I love it when a book does this right away!

Allison Vaughn said...

I wonder what he said that was so disappointing?

My Teaser:

Cecelia said...

It's hard when characters you've come to love are in danger, eh? :) Great teaser!

You can check out mine here.

Unknown said...

Thank you everyone for commenting -- I don't know what Hem is disappointed about, because I'm not there yet! I'm assuming he's been told he's not allowed to do something, or that he has to do something he doesn't want to do.

Calico Crazy and celi.a - the characters are what makes me so attached to these books. I'm not sure what Croggon has done, but I'm very attached.