Eat, Pray, Love is a book I have had on my "borrowed" shelf for a very long time. It's my mother's copy. She read it as part of her book club, and really enjoyed it, although it's interesting to me that I find it hard to picture as a book she would be so enthusiastic about. For those of you who haven't read it (and there are a few of you, I know) it chronicles a year in writer Elizabeth Gilbert's life, a healing year after years of very painful personal events. And I really, really like her. I like her a lot more than I expected, which could perhaps be what happened to Mom too. I'm looking forward to reviewing this one.
Also, I'm changing the format of these entries, because I don't like what this template does with a quote at the bottom of an entry -- it's hard to read. Shuffling things about! It's crazy, people!
From Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, p228:
If you tell them you don't know where you're going, or that you're just wandering about randomly, you might instigate a bit of distress in the heart of your new Balinese friend. It's far better to pick some kind of specific direction -- anywhere -- just so everybody feels better.
Teaser Tuesdays are hosted by Should Be Reading. It works as follows:
- Grab your current read.
- Open to a random page.
- Share two teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
- Be careful not to include spoilers!
- Include the title and author.
This is a book I really want to read. Thanks for reminding me of it. Great teaser!
I really liked Eat Pray Love when I read it. A week later Oprah picked it up in a big way and there was a slew of mixed reviews about it (annoyingly most directed at the "narcissistic nature" of the memoir. Why would a reviewer be asked to review a memoir if he/she thought memoirs had no value? How could their review be fair?)
But I thought it was a fine read with a good little ending and some insights that I keep with me even today.
LOVE that quote. From what I've read about the book, I don't think it would be my cup of tea, but that teaser was gosh-darn awesome. Great pick!
This was a good book. I hope you enjoy it!
Book Bird Dog - you're welcome! I've felt the same way about it for a while, and now I'm sorry I put it off. Although I'm reading it at a good time for me, so maybe it was a good thing I did. Um, if that makes sense.
Mandy - I share your bafflement on that point -- memoirs are, by nature, narcissistic, aren't they? Others I've talked to have called her "self-indulgent" and *that* is something I take exception to and plan to discuss in my review of this book.
celi.a - Not that I'm trying to shoehorn you into reading a book you're not interested in, but the book is full of that sort of thing. ;) To be honest, I'm surprised by how much I enjoy it, but I'm not sure it is for everyone.
Margo - glad you liked it! Enjoying very much so far.
I really enjoyed this book!
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