And a lot can happen in five years. 337 blog posts, for example. A university degree. A start to a career. A baby. Lots and lots of great books. Lots of interesting, intelligent, creative bloggers to find and read and connect to, too.
Happy birthday blog. I'm glad you're still here, patiently waiting for my updates, as life swirls on around us. I'll keep reading and you keep recording, and on we'll go together, into the wild reading yonder.
We're also very, very glad you're still here :) Happy 5th, and here's so many more years of sharing our reading adventures.
Happy 5th blog anniversary! We ARE glad you're here. :)
Thanks guys. :) I am so grateful that all of you still actually read what I write! (After five years, too... that must mean something?!)
Happy 5 years! It seems like such a long time but goes by so quickly :) Glad to have you around in this book blog universe!!
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