I'm spending some time in the company of sheep, thanks to Leonie Swann's delightful
Three Bags Full. A shepherd is murdered, and his sheep are on the case. I'm quite enjoying it, although it took me some time to fully get into sheep mode. I kept trying to see things from a human perspective, and realized not far along that it wasn't going to work; I should just go with the flock, as it were. It's interesting to look at what we might consider ordinary human things from such a different perspective, fictional as it is.
Three Bags Full by Leonie Swann, translated by Anthea Bell, p145:
He knew that humans could make things out of wood. But why they would want to make a thing like this was beyond sheepy understanding.
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Interesting. . .I'll have to check this one out!
hehe, sheepy understanding. Nice one. I'll look out for your review. :)
*electronic secret bookseller/librarian alliance handshake*
Hmm never heard of this one. I might have to check it out now.
Something new! Sheep instead of cats or dogs are on the case. Sounds interesting.
What are they making, I wonder? LOL! Great Teaser!
mines here;
Interesting... what were they making?
Intriguing. I wish to know more!
Teaser Tuesdays: Faces In The Fire by T L Hines
Intriguing tease this week! Looks like yet another book to add to my tbr list :) You can find my teaser here.
I have never heard of this and now I want it. A book from the sheep's perspective, interesting!!!
My teaser is at
Good teaser! I'm reading a book that's written from a dog's perspective, so I know what you mean about getting into the right mode.
My teasers are here.
I love the very idea of this. And I am inordinately entertained by the fact that when I first came to your blog, if I recall, you were reviewing the Silverwing books, from the perspective of bats. Heehee!
Great teaser.
My own is at Bookishgal
I have this one! :-) I get to it...someday.
Great teaser, and thanks for reminding me!
Amy Reads Good Books - I'm glad I could pique your interest!
Mandy - The review will be coming sooner than I expected, given that I finished the book today by accident. I meant to get other things done today, really...
Zia - I found this one as it came across the desk at the library, and it caught my eye. Apparently it's very popular, but I'd never heard of it either.
Book Bird Dog - Nary a cat to be seen in this one, and the dogs are mostly trouble. Too much like wolves, you know.
Krista and Literature Crazy - The "he" is Othello, a black sheep, and he's in a church. I don't want to spoil anything though!
gautami tripathy - It's a quick read, so it doesn't take too long to find out more!
Susan - Always glad to add to the TBR ;)
Christine - It's a good one. It's quite detailed about sheep culture and thought process and the way a sheep might perceive the world (mostly by smell, if you're interested.)
Lisa - it takes some time, doesn't it? I find as I get older, too, I find it harder. Swann is very good about not anthropomorphizing everything -- the sheep are very much not humans -- although talking sheep are by necessity somewhat anthropomorphized.
Phyl - Indeed! Well, I was reading Oppel, but not reviewing the Silverwing books. I really should review them now, since I keep recommending them. I'm all about the unique perspectives, I guess!
Christina - Enjoy once you do! I'd love to hear what others say about it.
Very interesting...a non-human character contemplating civilization! Great teaser.
Oh that's right, I remember now. It was while you were writing about Oppel that you also mentioned the Silverwing books. *slapping self on forehead*
celi.a - Thanks!
Phyl - I think he's more famous for Silverwing than he is for the Airborn trilogy, which is fair, I suppose; both are very imaginative, but I think Silverwing is almost more so.
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