Riddle-Master is an omnibus edition of McKillip's high fantasy trilogy, The Riddle-Master of Hed, Heir of Sea and Fire, and Harpist in the Wind. It is a timeless and beautiful piece of writing and I am so glad I picked this book up when I stumbled on it in a bookstore long ago. It was my first McKillip experience, and I was floored by how incredible this book is; I couldn't believe I hadn't heard of McKillip before.
I'm going to include more than two sentences today, mostly because the section I randomly picked makes no sense without a few extra sentences.
From Riddle-Master by Patricia A. McKillip, p181:
"The Great Shout of the body is unteachable; you simply have to be inspired." He paused, added thoughtfully, "The last time I heard it was at the marriage between Mathom of An and Cyone, Raederle's mother. Cyone shouted a shout that harvested an entire crop of half-ripe nuts and snapped all the harp strings in the hall. Luckily I heard it from a mile away; I was the only harpist able to play that day."
Teaser Tuesdays are hosted by Should Be Reading. It works as follows:
- Grab your current read.
- Open to a random page.
- Share two teaser sentences from somewhere on that page.
- Be careful not to include spoilers!
- Include the title and author.
That was quite a shout. Nice teaser.
Here's mine: Teaser Tuesday: Lizzi and Fredl
This is a new author for me, Mckillip. I will have to look for one of the books you mentioned at the library. Wonderful teaser.
I adore Patricia McKillip, and this book (trilogy) was definitely amazing. Great teaser!
(McKinley's Sunshine is also a comfort read for me...it's gorgeous, and it's written in McKinley's personal voice. Have you read her blog? You'll feel like you've walked back into Sunshine's head.)
Your pick looks good, I'll have to check it out. I've got a couple of good teasers this week. Here's a link.
Based on your teaser, I already like the writing of that book! The author sounds really imaginative! Here's mine.
jumping up and down
I love love love LOVE the Riddle-Master trilogy! I can't count how many times I've read it! It's wonderful every single time. I hope you find that too. It's one of the most marvelous fantasy stories I've ever read. I simply can't say enough good things about it.
very very very excited
Book Bird Dog -- It's not the only example of a rather astonishing shout in the series. There are several! But I like the idea of a shout harvesting a crop of nuts.
Tea - Absolutely do try McKillip if you haven't before. If you're starting with this trilogy (and it is a good place to start) I would definitely make sure to read them in order.
celi.a - yes, I love McKinley's blog! She makes me laugh. She also makes me want to read Peter Dickinson's work, which I haven't yet.
Susan - Yes, do check it out! Easier if you can get the omnibus edition, but works just as well in separate book form.
Nicole - I think McKillip has both one of the best imaginations and one of the best descriptive styles I have encountered in fantasy. Ever. So... give it a try!
Phyl - Your comment made me grin *hugely* and maybe giggle a little although I won't admit to it. I adore McKillip's writing, and this trilogy holds a special place in that for me. Maybe it's because it was the first thing I read by her, but I rank it as one of my all-time favourite reads ever. Up with Shakespeare's Hamlet, and that's saying something. I'm always excited to find someone else who has read and loves her writing!
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