Seven whole years! Well, this last year was more like... a third of a year, by the output. But I'm still here and still thinking about writing about what I read. The days somehow seem shorter and the time is going faster, and I get neither as much reading nor anywhere close to as much writing done as I'd like to.
I'm hoping to at least participate in Long Awaited Reads month, in what ever form that takes this year - I've got both Aldo Leopold's Sand County Almanac and Italo Calvino's If on a winter's night a traveller sitting ready to go. I've been reading widely, trying to keep up with my book club at work; I've started A Reunion of Ghosts by Judith Clare Mitchell for our February meeting already, which is way out of my normal reading way, but I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll get through it. Although I have been not-finishing a lot more than I used to not-finish too. I think if I can try to take notes on and write here about the book club books I'll lead a better discussion; that's how it seems to work, usually.
So yes. You can be forgiven for wondering if anything was happening here at all lately. But it's been happening for seven years. Can't stop now!
Thanks for reading, if you do, and wishing you all a happy holiday season and a new year full of good people and good books!
Kiirsten, I know exactly what you mean - it's hard to give up something you've been doing for so many years. I'm so glad you're here, and I hope we both stick around for a bit longer :-)
Let's do it! Even if we just post a little bit at a time. Meant to say - LUMBERJANES. <3 I have the second volume sitting on my bedside table and am saving it for... a special occasion. Why am I saving it? I should just read it now (except I'm reading Pratchett's Men at Arms and it is exactly what I need right now.)
Nope, you definitely can't stop now :D Time does seem to go by faster and faster, but I'm so glad we're all still here. Thank you for your words and here's to many more years.
Congrats on seven years! I always enjoy stopping in here, and hope to 'see' you more often.
Ana - I am so glad we're all still here too. I get a lot out of this community, even when I can't actively participate as much as I want.
Nan - Thanks! I'm working on it! It's one of my (very few) resolutions.
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