Wow, I can't believe I'm putting together this post already. But Melanie has already posted hers over at The Indextrious Reader, which makes me realize that yes, there are no more months in 2011... we are rapidly closing in on the end of the year.
And what a year. It's been significantly less reading for me, but I've still managed to post at least one review a month, so that's a good thing. And I've read some brilliant stuff this year. But that will be saved for my yearly "taking stock" post... this is just a fun exercise to have a look at where I was this year, month by month.
At one point I described this book to fishy as "Like Monty Python, but less subtle."
I like history, and I like libraries.
And now back to our regular programming.
Hello blog.
We went on vacation.
Mmm, good book hangover.
"How miraculous it is that the brain can go beyond itself, enlarging both its functions and our intellectual capacities in the process."
I find this book a little hard to review.
Well. So, this is an entry I didn't really expect to write for some time, which will tell you what the past two weeks of my life has been like.
This slim little volume is comprised of two stories: "Nell Gwynne's Scarlet Spy" and "The Bohemian Astrobleme" both of which feature a character named Lady Beatrice.
So, I can't say that it was Connie Willis who introduced me to the idea of reading Sayers; that was Nymeth, quite a long time ago.
I came across this title first in the Guardian, which was reporting that it had won the Melissa Nathan Award for Comedy Romance in 2009.
And that's it! I like this meme because it always gives me a chance to go over my reading year and reflect a little before I try to get detailed for my yearly celebration-of-the-year-past-blogiversary post. Actually, this year it's quite effective; you can see where I was struggling a bit March - August, and then the first entry of September explains quite effectively why. This year definitely feels a little pear-shaped, but as opposed to last year, I think the last four months of blogging have been a little more energized, compared to the way I fizzled out in the last half of last year. I'm certainly reading more, and I also have fishy to bounce ideas and entries off -- it's funny, now that he's reviewing more, I seem to feel I have to up my game a bit.
Head on over to Melanie's blog at The Indextrious Reader to see more first lines!
First lines are always surprisingly revealing, somehow! A year summed up in twelve sentences...odd but always interesting :) Glad you posted yours as well.
It's a tradition! I couldn't resist. Thanks for keeping the meme rolling. :)
This is the greatest meme! Kiirstin, I enjoyed reading your "first lines"! Knowing that I may well do this meme again influences my writing all year, especially at the beginning of each month. :)
Suko, I usually think about it for the first three months or so, and then sometime around April or May I forget.... I often come up with some pretty ridiculous first lines after that!
(Your first lines, btw, are *much* better than mine!)
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